Manage my MySQL databases

In this guide, we will see how to manage your MySQL database.

Usage policy and advice

It is not possible to customize the name of your database except for shared offers with the dedicated sql option.

It is also not possible to change the name of a database even for shared offers with the dedicated sql option.

It is not possible to customize or change the default username of your database.

Limit of connection to a database

MUTU START 5 simultaneous connections
MUTU BOOST 10 simultaneous connections
MUTU MAX 20 simultaneous connections
Private SQL  You can set the limit of your choice, although it is recommended not to exceed 100 simultaneous connections because you are limited by the resources of this offer

Actions on a database

View the disk space quota of your database
Create a database
Access your database via the phpMyAdmin tool
Manage your database backups
Import your database
Copy your database
Move your database
Change the password
Edit comment
Delete your database

Access to the management of my database

First, go to your trademark control panel, Magic Online or Nuxit.

Then click on Lodging.

Lodging menu

If you have a standard mutualized offer, go to MANAGEMENT WEB.

Web management

If you have a private MySQL offer, click on the button DATABASE MANAGEMENT.

The section YOUR MYSQL DATABASES displays the different options and actions that can be performed.

If it is a Private SQL offer (SQL GOLD), more options are displayed in the menu ACTIONS.

New Planet space

Always start by going to your client interface Magic Online or Nuxit.

Then click on the menu Support or Authcode domain which lead directly to the Planet interface.

Once the interface is open, follow the menu Shared Hosting.

Click on WEB MANAGEMENT of the accommodation in question.

Nuxit Cloud Evolution web management

The section YOUR DATABASES displays the different options and actions that can be performed.

If it is a Private SQL offer (SQL GOLD), more options are displayed in the menu ACTIONS.

Updated on 22 November 2022

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