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  4. Assign a MySQL user to my database
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  4. Assign a MySQL user to my database
  1. Home
  2. Web Hosting
  3. Assign a MySQL user to my database
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  2. Nuxit Max
  3. Assign a MySQL user to my database
  1. Home
  2. MySQL Private
  3. Assign a MySQL user to my database

Assign a MySQL user to my database

This feature is only available on the MySQL Private.

From your customer interface, follow the menu Shared Hosting :

Click on WEB MANAGEMENT of the accommodation in question:

Nuxit Cloud Evolution web management

In the section YOUR MYSQL USERS click on the button ACTIONS of the desired user, then CHANGE RIGHTS :

Choose the database and click on the button ADD :

The user is now assigned to the database. You can repeat the same procedure for other databases:

Updated on 6 June 2023

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