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  4. Modify the configuration and version of PHP
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  4. Modify the configuration and version of PHP

Modify the configuration and version of PHP

In this guide, we will see how to check and modify the configuration and version of PHP.

Check the PHP version

You can find out which version of PHP is used by one of your domains on your hosting by using a .php :

Create a PHP file (e.g. info.php ) containing the line :
<?php phpinfo(); ?>

Send this file to the directory of the domain for which you want to know the PHP version (e.g. "/www/monsite").

Access this file online via the domain name : http://mondomaine.com/info.php

New Planet space

Always start by going to your client interface https://planet.nuxit.com.

Then click on the menu Hostingand then Web hosting

Web hosting

Click on Manage of the accommodation in question.

 Modify the configuration and version of PHP

Click on the button Attached domains in the Hosting domain management section.

Modify the configuration and version of PHP

In the Hosted Domains section, locate the domain for which you wish to edit the configuration or PHP version, then click on the Manage and then PHP CONFIGURATION.

Modify the configuration and version of PHP

Choose the version of PHP as you see fit.

Modify the configuration and version of PHP

You'll see more PHP settings with the option of activating or deactivating them.

Modify the configuration and version of PHP

You can also activate or deactivate the following extensions GMP and Calendar.

Updated on June 28, 2024

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