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  4. Installing a CMS on a shared hosting
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  3. Installing a CMS on a shared hosting

Installing a CMS on a shared hosting

In this guide, we will see how to install a CMS on a shared hosting.

First, go to your trademark control panel, MAGIC or NUXIT.


Click Sign In once again. Lodging in the left menu.

Lodging menu

Follow the button WEB MANAGEMENT of the shared hosting in question.

Web management of a shared subscription

Go to the bottom of the section CMS PRE-INSTALLATION and then click on CMS PRE-INSTALLATION.

Pre-installation of cms

The interface allows you to install a CMS on the default domain when there is no domain attached to the shared hosting.

Installing a CMS on a shared hosting

But if there is a domain, you must first select it, then choose the CMS to install, and finally click on the button CHOOSE AND INSTALL.

Installing a CMS on a shared hosting

Creation of the database

Once the CMS is installed, the system sends an e-mail to the e-mail address of the client profile, indicating the parameters for connecting to the database.

Database created following the installation of CMS


If you install a CMS directly on the domain, the system will completely overwrite the current site.

The system allows you to install a CMS on a sub-domain, you just have to create then specify the subdomain in question.

For a WordPress installation on the hostname of the server, the site will only be displayed by going to the link http://identifiant.hostname of the shared server.

It should be noted that a shared server is a standard server, which is hosted on a shared platform. Therefore, and for CMS that require a lot of resources, it is mandatory to choose an Evolution offer.

On a shared server, it is not possible to modify some PHP variables.

The Mysql service is less limited in terms of Evolution offersHowever, if the shared server lacks the performance required, you should plan to use it.

Updated on 28 September 2022

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