In this guide we will see how to add a user to your MySQL database.
First, go to your trademark control panel, Magic Online or Nuxit.
Then click on Lodging.
Click on the button DATABASE MANAGEMENT.
In the section YOUR MYSQL USERS click on the button ADD A USER.
Enter the username and password of your choice, then validate.
Note that a valid username should only contain the following allowed characters: [a-z 0-9 _]
The user is added.
This article explains how assign a user added recently, to your MySQL database.
New Planet space
Always start by going to your client interface Magic Online or Nuxit.
Then click on the menu Support or Authcode domain which lead directly to the Planet interface.
Once the interface is open, follow the menu Shared Hosting.
Click on WEB MANAGEMENT of the accommodation in question.
In the section Your MySQL users click on the button ADD A USER.
Enter the username and password of your choice, then validate. Note that a valid user name must contain only the following permitted characters: [a-z 0-9 _]
This article explains how to assign a recently added user to your MySQL database.
This article explains how assign a user added recently, to your MySQL database.