Manage my private server

Find here the difference between OpenVZ and KVM VPS proposed by our services.

VPS section

Start by going to your customer interface, in the VPS servers in the section Hosting menu :

VPS Server section

The interface finally displays the list of servers, click on the button SEE of the server in question :

VPS Lists

The space provides all the options available to properly manage the server. The subscriber will be able to:

VPS server in KVM


To change the name of a VPS, click on the button Edit of the section Server :

Wording of a VPS

Technical information

In order to consult the resources of a VPS, you have to go to the Technical info :

Technical information of a VPS

Restarting a VPS

When there is a need to reboot the VPS, first click on the RESTART YOUR SERVER of the section TOOLS :

Rebooting a VPS

The interface then asks for confirmation to launch the reboot:

Reboot VPS confirmation

Traffic and statistics

To consult the traffic and statistics, first follow the button SERVER of the section TOOLS :

Traffic and statistics

It is possible to display graphs of outgoing and incoming traffic, processor load, disk used, free memory and memory used.

You must also select the desired period:

VPS traffic and statistics

DNS reversals

It is possible to add DNS reverses specific to your server.

To do this, first click on the MANAGEMENT OF DNS REVERSALS of the section TOOLS.

Reverse DNS, also called pointer record or PTR-Record, allows you to obtain the domain name associated with a given IP address.

It is important to have Reverse DNS to avoid denial of access to certain services, such as email. An e-mail sent from a server that does not have Reverse DNS, will have a high chance of being refused or sent in spam.

Reverse DNS

The interface lets you add or remove a reverse DNS :

Add or remove a reverse DNS

SSH access

To change the SSH password, simply follow the button SSH PASSWORD of the section TOOLS :

SSH password

Enter the new password twice and click on OK :

Change SSH access to a VPS


The menu TOOLS offers to restore backups made by the system. Just follow the button BACKUP MANAGEMENT :

Manage VPS backups

The space displays a list of copies and it is therefore possible to launch the restoration if necessary.

The restoration strictly overwrites all data to install the contents of the restored copy, without the possibility of going back.

Restore a VPS backup

Reinstalling a VPS

This last section allows you to reinstall the server with the chosen operating system.

Reinstalling a VPS will strictly overwrite all data with no possibility to go back.

The OSes offered with Plesk require a license to be ordered in advance.

Reinstalling a VPS

Updated on May 26, 2023

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