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Backing up a WordPress site

In addition to the usual daily backups, you can make a backup request at any time.

Once this backup is ready, a download link is sent to you by email. This link will be available 24 hours.

The operation is limited to 1 additional backup per day.

We provide you with seven days of automatic sliding backups as well as a backup that is generated on the 1st of each month, over the last three months.

Create a backup

To create a backup, go to your console > click on the button MANAGE > then the tab Backups.

If it is a recent installation you will get a message that there are no backups yet.

Click on Save my site now.

You will receive an email with a link to download the backup of your site.

Manage backups

If it is an old installation, there will be backups in place on the interface.

You have four options per save.

  • Restore to production: The backup will replace the site in production,
  • Restore to clone: The backup will replace your clone,
  • Download the backup: This is a ZIP file of your WordPress that also contains the database,
  • Download the database: This is a ZIP file of your WordPress database.

If you choose to restore to production, you will have to confirm by validating the warning window that opens.

Updated on 28 September 2022

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