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Plesk: Create an additional FTP account

In this guide, we will see how to create an additional FTP account.


This guide is dedicated only to our subscribers who have subscribed to the former Plesk shared hosting packages (SMART, DISCOUNT, PRO and SECURE).

Why create an additional FTP account?

This is usually useful when you have a webmaster, or other users who each need an FTP account to transfer files to your websites.

Create an additional FTP account

The first thing to do is to go to your customer interface which you can find the link to on our showcase site. Once there, click on Plesk > My Plesk (Manage my subscription) > menu Websites & Domains > FTP access.

Click on Add an FTP account.

Put in the desired FTP user name and password (which must be of strong security level). Do not lose these accesses because we cannot recover them for you later. Choose which directory the new FTP user will have access to. Click on OK.

Your new FTP user is created. You will notice here that it is possible to delete it and that there is another FTP account that cannot be deleted. This is the default one, because a hosting account requires at least one FTP user that is always present.

You can follow this help link to FTP access via FileZilla

Updated on 23 August 2019

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