FTP and MySQL database

When you create your WordPress, you will automatically receive an email summarizing all the login information for your WordPress, FTP and MySQL.

View FTP settings

On the console, you can view the FTP settings of your WordPress site.

Only the password will not be displayed for security reasons. You can change it at any time.

Change FTP password

If you have lost this email or want to change the FTP password, just manage the site in question and click on the button Edit.

Enter the new password. Feel free to use the Generate to allow the system to choose a strong random password for you. Click on Change now.

  • The new password will not be sent to you by e-mail.
  • The new password is available immediately for use in a FTP client.

View MySQL settings

On the console, you can see the name of the MySQL database of your WordPress site.

Only the password will not be displayed for security reasons.

You do not have the possibility to change the database password.

View MySQL password

In case of loss, you can retrieve the connection information through your FTP. You just have to open the file wp-config.php through your FTP .

Locate the commented line MySQL database passwordIn the example below, the database password is "lc7zHGFk657xPset8Lses".

Access to the PHPMyAdmin interface

From the console, you can manage your databases via the PhpMyAdmin interface. Just click on the button PHPMyAdmin.

Then put in your username and password. You will need to go back to the email that was given to you when you created your WordPress.

If you have lost your password, you can access via FTP and get it back.

The PHPMyAdmin interface will allow you to manage your database and perform different operations. Always export your database to keep a backup copy before working on it.

Change MySQL password

It is possible to change the password of your MySQL database, but only from the PHPMyAdmin interface. This means that you must have the current password to access and replace it with the new one.

It is enough to go to PHPMyAdmin then click on the link Change the password.

You can let the system generate a strong and secure password for you. Then click on the Run.


It is imperative to change the password of the database in the file wp-config otherwise, your site will display a database connection error.

Updated on 11 February 2021

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